And here is the plan for next week (I will print this list for a reminder):
- Submit paper to Clnical and Experimental Optometry or other journals (Perhaps Documenta Ophthlmologica will be good).
- Submit ethics application to Faculty of Health Sciences.
- Write a paper on my research.
- Claim the grant for my expenses.
- Write report for the Excellent Fund.
- Reading Multifocal Electroretinogram (mfERG) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) manuals.
- Improved on research proposal to submit to Institute of of Postgraduate Studies (IPSis) after DRP, Defense of Research Proposal (I got 2 from 5 rating on the defense).
- Communicate with Dr Stuart G. Coupland on my research and also on my training at University of Ottawa Eye Institute.
- Write paperwork on my proposed training at Canada.
- Furnished my logbooks (IPSis Logbook and AP Dr Chen Logbook).
- Liased with Dr Lim Kian Seng from International Specialist Eye Centre (ISEC) Mid Valley on my research.
- Write an abstract for 18th Asia Pacific Optometry Conference (APOC).
- Anything else I forgot? Hmmm...
Hope to get half of this work finish by next week. My dateline: 29 April 2011.
salam. nk tny skit boleh? degree opto kt uitm ni bp taun? 3 kn? pastu klu nk wt mster bp requirement pointer ? and slalo nye master in opto or ke bole bwt dlm master pape kos?
4 tahun.
4 tahun.
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