SaLaM PeRkEnAlAn!!! (^_^)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Selamat datang. Anda semua dialu-alukan untuk membaca sebarang tulisan saya di blog ini. Silalah beri komen. Jangan segan-segan. (^_^)v


Firman ALLAH S.W.T: “It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the Believers, that they may add faith to their faith - for to Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom” – Surah al-Fath: 4.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

UiTM Optometry Seminar: Optometry & Industry

UiTM Optometry Seminar organized by UiTM Optometry Department will take place on 19 April 2011. Below are the details:
  • Date: 19th April 2011 (Monday)
  • Time: 7.30am - 5.30pm
  • Venue: DK1, FSK7, UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor.
Activities include Keynote Address by AP Dr Jeff Hovis from University of Waterloo, Canada, presentation by speakers from Ministry of Health and Malaysian Optical Council, demonstration and knowledge-sharing by representatives from various companies in optical industry and other activities including Opening & Closing Ceremony.

This seminar will likely to fulfill comprehensive objectives in tackling issues of Optometry especially in Colour Vision, Optometry-Industry relationship, knowledge sharing among participants, specific issues pertaining to UiTM Optometry recognition in government (public sector) and private sector plus increased significant amount of information for the students (e.g. Optometry students) as part of outside-classroom initiative.

InsyaALLAH, this seminar will bring tremendous benefits not only to the students knowledge pool but also to the experience of having attending a great seminar organized by calibre individuals within Department of Optometry, UiTM.


Anonymous said...

salam.. sya stdnts asasi uitm.. hehe.. rindu ah palam! haha.. actually.. sya nk tnye psal kos optometri nie.. emm.. kne blja bio+fiz ke bnyk?? em.. demand kerja kt msia dlm bidng nie skrng high x?? ape prospek kerjaya dlm bdg nie?? emm. klo d bndngkan dgn fisio..which one is better(ur opinion).. emm. min cgpa utk pgmbilan kos nie brape (klo ikot upu actually demand tinggikn.. so brape min rquirment?) tq bro!!

Syuk Rafi said...

Waalaikumussalam wbt.
Haha... Opto memang involved lots of bio & fizik... Semua aspect kene terrer... I dont want to compare to physio... Better for opto to compare to medic, dentist & pharmacy, cume Opto xde fakulti sendiri je.. Kalau pergi overseas, Opto pny requirement as high as requirement utk medic. Tapi kat UiTM minimum requirement at least 3.33... (the real requirement). You as student asasi had better chance.
Demand kerja? Hmmphh.. Jgn risau.. Masa final year nanti, dapat offer kerja dr 4-5 different companies/institutions. InsyaALLAH.
Optometrist boleh kerja dalam kerajaan di hospital, klinik & Majlis Optik Malaysia. Boleh kerja jadi lecturer, tutor, optometrist & penyelidik kat Uni2 yg ada course opto. Boleh kerja kat kedai2 optometrist.. Boleh jd profesional executives dalam industry optic. Optometrist boleh gak kerja kat hospital swasta, LASIK centres, dan klinik mata swasta.
Boleh bukak kedai sendirik jugak.
Pendapatan tahunan optometrist di sektor swasta boleh mencecah RM100,000 setahun. Sangat lumayan dengan waktu kerja yang cukup fleksibel.
Jumlah optometrist di Msia setakat tahun 2010 kurang dr 1000 orang. Ratio optometrist to populasi Malaysia ialah 1:38000. Target WHO 1 optometrist untuk 30000.
Masa depan sangat-sangat cerah! ^_____________^

Anonymous said...

thx bro!! nnti jumpe kat palam saye blnja mcD kt depan uh.. InsyaAllah!! may God bless u!! Amin.. *__*

Syuk Rafi said...

No worries my friend!

I will remember your promise~! hehehe... A_____A

Nur Zafirah said...

nak tnye. sy baru dapat opto uitm ni. hmm dekat uitm puncak alam ehh? bukan shah alam?

Unknown said...

Wah! Selamat datang! ^______^
Optometri UiTM di Kampus Puncak Alam, Kuala Selangor. Jumpa September nanti~ >_<

filz said...

lapang dada bile final year ade org offer kje..huhu~

Unknown said...

Kan~ hehehe... ^_^

Nurul Fatinah said...

saya budak matrik.tapi tak tahu nak amek kos degree ape..but i hope optometry is the best choice for me.huhu ^^

Unknown said...

InsyaALLAH, it will! ^______^

Anonymous said...

optometri nie mmg 3 tahun je eh?

Unknown said...

Optometri di Malaysia ialah selama 4 tahun pengajian.

Anonymous said...

salam, hi. sy nk tnye ckit psl kos ni. kalau yg dri diploma nk ambik kos ni nk brape cgpa erk? tq~

Unknown said...

I'm not that sure. You need to go to for more info on this...

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum! saya bru je dpt twrn opto dkt ukm. saya nk tye, opto nie mmg kena terer fiz ke? fiz mmg kena gempak ek?

Unknown said...

Not exactly. Tapi nnti you akan blaja Fizik Optik. Jd kena prepare juga.. :)

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum. Tumpang tanya, saya ni ex student asasi uitm dan saya berminat dengan course opto ni. Cumanya, adakah saya layak untuk letak course opto ni di pilihan pertama saya dalam borang upu? Saya takut sekiranya ditendang keluar dan kena masuk pula dalam kursus-kursus lelong, almaklumlah dari khabaran berita, ramai yang nak course ni dan rata rata macam 4 flat je semua. (Result final upu saya 3.78)

Anonymous said...

Sedihnye..ramai 4flat yg 3.++ ni mcm xde hrpn la npknye...huuaaaa

Unknown said...

Hai saya nak tanya, kalau saya dari matrik dengan cgpa 3.46 ada harapan tak untuk dapat kos opto dekat uitm ni🙂