SaLaM PeRkEnAlAn!!! (^_^)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Selamat datang. Anda semua dialu-alukan untuk membaca sebarang tulisan saya di blog ini. Silalah beri komen. Jangan segan-segan. (^_^)v


Firman ALLAH S.W.T: “It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the Believers, that they may add faith to their faith - for to Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom” – Surah al-Fath: 4.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Work Harder Please

Yup. I need to work harder than it is. I don't think that what I am doing right now is enough for me to graduate by end of this year.

And here is the plan for next week (I will print this list for a reminder):

  1. Submit paper to Clnical and Experimental Optometry or other journals (Perhaps Documenta Ophthlmologica will be good).
  2. Submit ethics application to Faculty of Health Sciences.
  3. Write a paper on my research.
  4. Claim the grant for my expenses.
  5. Write report for the Excellent Fund.
  6. Reading Multifocal Electroretinogram (mfERG) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) manuals.
  7. Improved on research proposal to submit to Institute of of Postgraduate Studies (IPSis) after DRP, Defense of Research Proposal (I got 2 from 5 rating on the defense).
  8. Communicate with Dr Stuart G. Coupland on my research and also on my training at University of Ottawa Eye Institute.
  9. Write paperwork on my proposed training at Canada.
  10. Furnished my logbooks (IPSis Logbook and AP Dr Chen Logbook).
  11. Liased with Dr Lim Kian Seng from International Specialist Eye Centre (ISEC) Mid Valley on my research.
  12. Write an abstract for 18th Asia Pacific Optometry Conference (APOC).
  13. Anything else I forgot? Hmmm... 
Hope to get half of this work finish by next week. My dateline: 29 April 2011.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

UiTM Optometry Seminar: Optometry & Industry

UiTM Optometry Seminar organized by UiTM Optometry Department will take place on 19 April 2011. Below are the details:
  • Date: 19th April 2011 (Monday)
  • Time: 7.30am - 5.30pm
  • Venue: DK1, FSK7, UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor.
Activities include Keynote Address by AP Dr Jeff Hovis from University of Waterloo, Canada, presentation by speakers from Ministry of Health and Malaysian Optical Council, demonstration and knowledge-sharing by representatives from various companies in optical industry and other activities including Opening & Closing Ceremony.

This seminar will likely to fulfill comprehensive objectives in tackling issues of Optometry especially in Colour Vision, Optometry-Industry relationship, knowledge sharing among participants, specific issues pertaining to UiTM Optometry recognition in government (public sector) and private sector plus increased significant amount of information for the students (e.g. Optometry students) as part of outside-classroom initiative.

InsyaALLAH, this seminar will bring tremendous benefits not only to the students knowledge pool but also to the experience of having attending a great seminar organized by calibre individuals within Department of Optometry, UiTM.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Woot Woot! I'm An Owl~

Hahaha.. Yup.. becoming an owl had it advantages.. Bigger eyes! Bigger head! Had wings! Live in the night sky! Free.. Intelligent.. Sharp..

Friday, April 1, 2011

April! And I'm not a FOOL~

It's the month of April. A month with lots of stuff will happen. Including my presentation for defence research proposal. Finger crossed.

And since 2 weeks ago, lots of things happened. Most of my time taken since last 2 weeks for the preparation of research defense proposal. Plus, other activities involving my master and my research.

I had sent Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS) application. Completed. Currently, underway to do correction for the Fundamental Reasearch Grant Scheme (FRGS). Incomplete. Next week maybe.

I had treated a guest to my humble apartment. A guest from far far away that come to Puncak Alam, the top of the world! Haha.. My friend from Kelantan. Knew him since Penang Matriculation College (KMPP) time. Come overnight to Puncak Alam for UiTM Young Lecturer Scheme (YLS) scholarship interview on Tuesday. Also entertained a friend of him on Wednesday. Both are currently doing Master in University Science Malaysia (USM), Kubang Kerian Campus. USMKK.

Well, I hope my treat was good. As I always try hard to give my best to my guests. I always consider them, who come over to my place, as very important person. So, whoever wanna come to my place, come on and lets us have fun together! Ahaha.. ^___^

Alright, I already mentioned about YLS. YLS or in Malay, Skim Tenaga Pengajar Muda (TPM). Well, I also undergo interview together with my friend from Kelantan. Not exactly together though as I had applied for the Optometry Department and he applied for Nutrition & Dietetic Department. Anyway, my interview went very well. I never thought that I am that good with interviewee. But, I did gave my best. Hopeful. Full of hope to get TPM. Because I need them to pay for my tuition fees.

And, here are my activities for the next couple of days (disturb me if you can):

  1. Attending 4th UiTM Optometry Students' Association (OPTIMIST) Annual Grand Meeting - Not invited but still want to go. =p
  2. Working on Saturday. Vision screening by Vision Care Optometry Sdn Bhd at Dewan PRT, Blok 2, Desa Mentari, Petaling Jaya. From 10am to 6pm. Please come over if you are around there.
  3. Settle the ERG issues with supplier. Monday afternoon due date.
  4. Mock proposal presentation on Tuesday in front of my supervisor and colleagues.
  5. FRGS submission deadline by Thursday, 7th April 2011.
  6. Submit ethical consideration proposal to UiTM Research Ethic Committe. ASAP!
Huhu.. Hope to get all of these done by next week~ A______A