SaLaM PeRkEnAlAn!!! (^_^)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Selamat datang. Anda semua dialu-alukan untuk membaca sebarang tulisan saya di blog ini. Silalah beri komen. Jangan segan-segan. (^_^)v


Firman ALLAH S.W.T: “It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the Believers, that they may add faith to their faith - for to Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth and Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom” – Surah al-Fath: 4.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Update on My Life

Here's the updates:

1) I'm not working with Utama Optometrist Sdn Bhd anymore. I love my work @ Utama Optometrist Taman Tun Dr Ismail but I really hate their management. I hope the management change their mindset. They should take care of their employees instead of taking care of their own @@S.  Shame on them.

2) I continue my study. Doing Master in Health Science (Research) at Faculty of Health Sciences, UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor. Currently in my second semester. Very difficult!

3) Eventhough I had resigned with Utama, I'm not unemployed. As part of my full-time postgraduate research programme, I am working as a tutor in Optometry Department. My tutoring involved 16 hours of lab works and so on in a week. UiTM pays me RM25 per hour. That's a lot!

4) And as to earn extra money, I also do locum as Optometrist in Visi Optometry Sdn. Bhd. The pay is good. Thanks to En. Sarulakmal Md Tasrib!

That's all my updates for now. It almost 2 years of dormant activity in my blog. I think I should do more in terms of updating the blog. Well, blog is a way to express our point of view, don't you agree?


Anonymous said...


infah_ilazar said...

hahaha...luahan perasaan nampak...

Haliza Abdul Mutalib said...

Many times in life we tend to speak so unfairly about others, never once we blame ourselves for the life we lead, it's always the fault of others...of course only the WEAK has lots to say..
When intelligence being challenge that is when we loose ourself...that is if you understand the meaning of it..shall live to see

Haliza Abdul Mutalib said...

So it was just an issue of you getting your last salary before the 7th and not the usual which is usually by 23rd-27th? Nothing wrong - you can refer that to the employ act. You can lie to your dear friends but you can't lie to yourself. Wonder if that really make you p**sed off or after knowing you hv been replace with a new optom with much higher salary..which humiliates your integrity..UOG has been there for more than 10 years and all you know your career may end before it ever professional and do not lie because our parents never brought us up that way.

Syuk_Rafi said...

Profesionally Dr. I never lie. I never care about my salary. I got many more offers much higher than U***a offer before I start working. Salary never been an issue. And it dont humiliate me nor downgrade my integrity. If you asked me what make me p**ssed off most, then its the surat "pelepasan awal" yang diberi secara last minute. Please.. Don't assume things. If you want to know, just asks me. And I notice that even my personal blog was not spared from your watch. I'm honoured.

Haliza Abdul Mutalib said...

The perlepasan awal was a mutual did not want it and they did not force you. If they were to force they will have to pay u in lieu. The others except it happilly, they were not forced.Hedir asked for perlepasan awal and UOG gave it to him without making him pay a single cent in lieu. In fact what ever you well deserved was paid nothing less then that which has been agreed on.

And it's not your notorious personal blog which catch my attention it is all because of the wrong doings that needs justification (its my personal remark and does not represent UOG) and it is good for you to know that you have no right to use the utamattdi blog (even though you have created it yourself) when you no longer their employee. You are suppossed to be groomed to be a professional. If you are not happy you should know how to take this case to higher level. I personally felt all the unfair remarks from u is from a childish brain which summons pathetic response only from the ignorance.

Anonymous said...

but i wonder why suddenly MOST of my friends wanna leave from that 'professional' company! could anyone tell me whY??? OR MAYBE WE JUST LOVE THE WAY THEY LIE ABOUT THEIR INTEGRITY...

Syuk_Rafi said...

Dr, I never insult you. As a professional, people don't insult others. I look high of you as an academician and a respected public figure.
And again, I said.. don't assume things. And don't hear from 1 side. Who said others happily accept that early resignation? And it's your company decision to release Hedir early. Not mine. If you don't want, you can always make him stay for as long as you want.
UtamaTTDI blog is not accessible by me. They already change the password. I don't know who do such thing. Its your assumption, and you are accusing things that I don't do.
Dr, I am a pathetic person. And as a pathetic, a person holding PhD, had Assoc Prof in front of the name & work as a head of department in a world class university had time to spend on my blog? Again I'm honoured.

Assoc Prof Dr Haliza Abdul Mutalib said...

Dear Anonymous,
People resigned for various reasons,there are not the first and they will not be the last...we are in the millenium..if you care to read the statistics you know what I mean and you might just be in the same shoes.

I was called to read this blog when I felt justification has to be prevailed. FYI, Hedir resigned not because UOG asked him to leave,he wants to leave early as he has another job already, and UOG allows, U wanted to stay till your term ends they allow too, the rest accept to resign early..if they were not happy they should voice it out just like YOU DID,and did the company turned down your request??

Many people think that status is everything...being the head of OPTOM UKM and having my Assoc Prof and PhD never deter me or shamed me from advising people who are in their greens and ignorance to value what ever intelligence and decisions that thay may still have. I did not read the rest of your blog (hate to tell you this as you might felt so honoured already) it doesnt help me to gain any knowledge, but I did read your notorious comments only because it wasn't fair as I have told you to bring it to the higher authority for justice. And BTW you deleted me from fb as you were afraid my comments would reached your dear friends and present boss that may have believed in you so much. You are a graduate from UiTm and I bet they teach you ethics in your curriculum. Say what you like, and you may influence as many people as you want to...utama is here to stay, just let the police do their job. The next time you are unhappy with your job channel it properly as you are still young and the last thing you would want is somethg that may effect your future. END

Syuk_Rafi said...

All your comments in FB contain insults. I removed your FB as I don't want you to look so naive in your comments. But, your comments here will not be removed. It will be accessible not only to you but also to my present boss and whoever they are.
I'm not afraid. I am brave enough to voice all these publicly. If you thinks that you can scared me using your status or the authority, you are wrong. I had in depth understanding of the law too.
Now, I know that you always assume things. I don't have any personal motives nor have personal gains to achieve in this matter. And I speak up on behalf of those who don't speak up as they know, if they voice it out, there are consequences.
Again, having a public figure in this blog no matter how long they spent time here, make me feels so honored. Plus, they had time to comment too!
I had a future. And I will embrace the future. Only ALLAH knows and dictates my future. You also had a future Dr. Only ALLAH knows and dictates your future. Allah knows best.

Anonymous said...

owh my god. peace bro.. worker and boss have different level of thinking. and, u, still a worker.

Anonymous said...

worker and boss have different level of thinking? what shit of opinion is that?
i salute for a person who can speak their mind.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

ape la yang ko ni nak SHIT kan orang je, cube la pk jgk bro, bikin panas je ko nih. bos dgn worker level of thinking mmg tak same... ko pk dulu pastu kalo ko tak bleh pk jgk ko tanye, lembab

Anonymous said...

i'm 1 of them salute me lo... hahahha

Anonymous said...

yg ko sibuk tu apasal anonymous oi!!ni blog dia suka hati dia la nk kate ape! keccohhh!!! banyak makan 'shit" @ org melayu kate TAIK la kot ko ni sampai otak lembab nak mampos!!ahhahaha

Anonymous said...

dear syuk, i stumble upon this post while looking for dr haliza's publications..

i am a worker too.. and i agree with "anonymous" that worker n employer may view things differently..

but as someone who understands frm the industry: newer generations may view blogging as a way to express ourselves. true n i definitely agree with that. but i guess we could always avoid mentioning names in specific. the ultimate goal to submitting a post is an outlet of negative emotions, not defaming a person or company..

i believe if u could try that in future, no negative comments or insults will b seen.. thx for your attention. all the best!